A short while later…

by Deep Thinker on 13 January, 2023, no comments

Long story short, I got hacked again. Badly.

So bad, that I ended up completely locked out of my website. So bad, that I have spent more than a year figuring out whether to try again, or going to a different hosting provider, researching other providers, trying to figure out how to download a copy of my website, struggling with various backup plug-ins, struggling with FTP programs, just struggling. And ending up giving up, leaving it for a few months, trying again from scratch, and just getting very frustrated.

Today, I contacted MacHighway support again, and they got me logged back in. Chances are, that I will get locked out again very soon, as that is what keeps happening, and whatever malware has been installed on my website, just gets reactivated automatically after an unspecified time, and I am locked out, and AnonymousFox is back as the main user.

But, let me just give this update, just to let all my non-existent devoted readers know, that I am still here.

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